Wednesday, November 30, 2005

UN celebrates terror

Today the United Nations celebrates its International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Lovely. My heart bleeds.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Convicted terrorist wins Palestinian election

Marwan Barghouti, servivng five life sentences for murder, has won the Palestinian Primary Elections for Fatah.

When killers win elections, you just know the Palestinian population is ready for peace. The saddest thing is i'm not suprised.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Kosovo conflict and the Holocaust - a bloody Albanian heritage many wish to cover up

On the right, Kosovar Albanian Muslim Nazir Hodic, a member of the Nazi SS Division Handzar in Bosnia. On the left is Rudi Sommemer, the commander of the Nazi SS Albanian Battalion, 6/28 in Handzar. Hodic is shown wearing the Albanian skull cap issued by the SS with a Nazi swastika on his collar.

Here we have facts and images, which many spectators of current political events will find neither entertaining, nor amusing. They deal with those typical links between fascism and extremist Muslim and Islamist ideologies. And the ill-famed Grand-Mufti of Jerusalem even plays his own role in this.

On there is a brilliant review of a 1997 book by the American Harvey Sarner (who claims to be a historian, but - in fact - isn't at all), titled "Rescue in Albania", which continues to falsify the Albanian records of murder of their willing participation in the Holocaust. The objective of books like these is to portray the Albanians as worthy to be given an autonomous state encompassing the Serbian Region of Kosovo-Metohija - and to be worthy of military protection by NATO. Books like these effectively assisted in creating the massive, compassionate media support FOR Albanians (in Kosovo), which eventually led to the attack on FRY in 1999.

The author of the review, the American Carl Savich, puts up the ugly truth against such lies and shows, that what began centuries ago and found a terrible climax in WW II continues today under almost identical circumstances. And what is even more disturbing, is the fact that the very ethnic history of Kosovo is directly connected with basic events of WWII and the Holocaust.

I'd like to quote some crucial parts of his review and display some telling pictures of soldiers, of who Albanians today are still proud of, despite their involvment with Nazi SS-divisions and the Holocaust:

History is in many ways a myth we create for ourselves. History is constantly falsified to justify wars and territorial claims. Albanian apologists have falsified the role Albania played in the Holocaust to justify an illegal US/NATO war against Serbia and to allow for the creation of a Greater Albania that would include the Serbian province of Kosovo-Metohija. The Albanian role in the Holocaust was falsified and manipulated to advance the creation of an “independent Kosova", an ethnically pure Albania statelet, a second Albanian state in eastern Europe.

The Jewish victims of the Holocaust in Albania are estimated at 591 from 1941 to 1944, when a Greater Albania was sponsored by Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. There were 33 known families of Albanian Jews living in pre-war Albania. The largest Jewish community consisted of 15 Jewish families living in Vlora. According to the 1930 census, there were 204 Jews living in Albania. At the Wannsee Conference in 1942, when the Final Solution was organized, the total Jewish population of Albania was listed as 200 Jews. By 1939 there were Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria. [...]

What role did Albania play in the Holocaust? Albanian apologists maintain that no Jews were killed in Albania during the Holocaust. Is this accurate? What is the context of this statement? Albanian apologists have consciously and methodically falsified the Albanian role in the Holocaust. The way this was done was to totally suppress the fact that Kosovo-Metohija was a part of Albania from 1941 to 1944. Also left out is the fact that a Greater Albania was in fact created that included not only Kosovo-Metohija, Kosova in the Greater Albania ideology, but southern Serbian territory, territory in southern Montenegro, and western Macedonia, or Illirida. Albanian apologists distort history by implying that it was Albanians that rescued Jews. But in fact it was the Italian occupation forces that opposed the Final Solution and who rescued Jews. Another falsification is the omission of the role played by Xhafer Deva, a Kosovar Albanian Muslim, in the Greater Albanian state and in the Holocaust.

Albanian apologists falsify the history of the Holocaust by suppressing the fact that it was Adolf Hitler who first created a Greater Albania that included the Serbian province of Kosovo-Metohija. They assiduously cover-up the fact that it was Adolf Hitler who set the precedent for an “independent” Kosova, an ethnically pure Albanian Kosova. Albanian apologists have carefully suppressed and deleted this fact. [...]

Rescue in Albania is nothing more than a thinly-veiled propaganda tract. His subtitle is: “One Hundred Percent of Jews in Albania Rescued from Holocaust.” The book features an Albanian and Israeli flag on the cover. [!] Van Christo, the Albanian president of the Frosina Foundation, has used the book for “fund raising purposes” to obtain money for the separatist campaign in Kosovo. Lobby money can buy you a lot of lies. And Sarner just knows that. [...]

The book had a clear-cut goal and purpose all along. Propaganda is written for a specific purpose and goal. As Adolf Hitler himself noted, propaganda is not written for “blasé young gentlemen”, but to convince the masses, to persuade key groups, key target audiences. In this case, the target audience was the Jewish community in the US. Sarner parrots the Albanian and US State Department policy on the Serbian province of Kosovo-Metohija as follows: “The status of Kosova [sic], currently a part of Yugoslavia, is in contention today. Albanians favor either independence for Kosova or its being a part of Albania. The people of the area are ethnic Albanians.” Of course, this statement too is incorrect and is patently absurd. The borders of Yugoslavia are recognized by the United Nations and by international law. Yugoslavia, as a sovereign nation, has a right and duty to safeguard and protect its own internationally recognized and legal borders. But Sarner knows all that. Propaganda is not written to be rational. As Hitler noted, propaganda appeals to the emotions and subjective and irrational nature of man. This is what Sarner is appealing to.

What is the Kosovo conflict all about? Edith Durham in "The Burden of the Balkans", published in 1905 (!), explained the Albanian goal in Kosovo succinctly and clearly:

The Christian the Albanian persecutes is the Slav Christian, and this is the old, old race hatred. Of all the passions that sway human fortunes, race hatred is, perhaps, the strongest and the most lasting.

The Kosovo conflict is all about “race hatred”, what we call “racism” today. It is all about finishing the job Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini started. It is called genocide and ethnic cleansing. This is the real goal. This is why Sarner is falsifying the history.

Durham also argued that the Shqip or Albanian language is an “Aryan tongue”. The Nazi/fascist sponsors of Greater Albania in 1941 would also argue that the Albanians were part of the Aryan, or master race, a superior race.

In 1991, virtually the entire Jewish population of Albania left for Israel. The Jews were airlifted to Israel after the collapse of the Communist regime. Albania under the Communist regime of Enver Hoxha maintained no diplomatic relations with Israel. Hoxha abolished religion and created an atheistic state in Albania. Today, there are less than 40 Jews in all of Albania. They live in the capital Tirana. In Kosovo, the small Jewish population was ethnically cleansed out of Kosovo in 1999 along with Kosovo Serbs and other non-Albanians after NATO troops occupied the Serbian province. The Kosovo Jews fled to Belgrade. There are no more Jews living in Kosovo today, which is under NATO military occupation.

And now for some smashing pictures, a gallery of the historical heroes and - in fact - ethnical rolemodels for Albanian independent seeking politicians in today's Kosovo-Metohija :

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el Husseini, met Albanian Muslim leaders and sponsored the creation of a Greater Islamic State, proposed by Kosovar Albanian Muslim Bedri Pejani, which would unite Greater Albania and Bosnia-Hercegovina and the Sandzak region of Serbia. Kosovo Albanians have named a secondary school in Pec and a street in Pristina after the Nazi Bedri Pejani (!).

Rudi Sommerer, the commander of the Nazi SS Albanian "Kosovar" Muslim Battalion 6/28, wearing a gray Albanian skull cap specially made by the SS Main Office, 1944 (headed by Kaltenbrunner at that time).

"Kosovar" Albanian Muslim Skanderbeg Nazi SS Division/Kampfgruppe in Kosovo, 1944. This Nazi SS Division, made up of "Kosovar" Muslims, rounded up Kosovo Jews that were murdered in the Nazi death camps.

Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig, commander of the Nazi SS Division Handzar in Bosnia. He is shown wearing the Albanerfez, or national Albanian skull cap made by the SS for the Nazi Albanian "Kosovar" Muslims in the division.

Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig, commander of the Nazi SS Division Handzar in Bosnia. He is shown wearing the Albanerfez, or national Albanian skull cap made by the SS for the Nazi Albanian "Kosovar" Muslims in the division.

Xhafer Deva, Kosovo Albanian Muslim (!) interior minister of the Nazi-created Greater Albania. Deva helped form the "Kosovar" Muslim Nazi SS Division Skanderbeg which rounded up the Jews of Kosovo for extermination.

Jozef Fitzhum, SS leader in Albania, he implemented the Final Solution in Greater Albania and created the Kosovar Skanderbeg Nazi SS Division.

"Kosovar" Albanian troops in the Nazi/fascist Balli Kombetar (BK, National Front), known as balists.

Collar patches of the "Kosovar" Nazi SS Division Skanderbeg. The SS created a helmet with a goat's head for the Albanian Nazis in the division, supposedly worn by George Kastrioti, Skanderbeg.

Gjon Marka Gjoni, the fascist leader of the Albanian Roman Catholics (!), whose followers were in the Skanderbeg SS Division.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Sharon to quit Likud?

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is set to quit his ruling Likud party and run separately in next year's elections, Israeli army radio reports.

Mr Sharon reportedly made the decision to leave the party he helped to found in 1973 after lengthy talks with aides.

Earlier, the moderate Labour party under new leader Amir Peretz voted to leave Mr Sharon's coalition.

The BBC's James Reynolds (thank god we have James to tell us these things) says there has been no word from Mr Sharon, but it is significant there has been no denial.


I don't know what my co-bloggers will think of this, but personally I say good luck to Sharon. Even though the polls appear to show he is popular and could win with his own party, a decision like this sure takes balls. Assuming this would clear the way for Netanyahu as Likud party head, this could make a very interesting and exiting time in Israeli politics.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Gaza Deal

I'm sure we are all "delighted" that the Palestinian Authority (read Hamas) now controls the border between Gaza and Egypt. CoxandForkum personifies our glee, (with a nice play on what Condi Rice is quoted as saying: "I have to say as a football fan, sometimes the last yard is the hardest, and I think we experienced that today") :

Friday, November 11, 2005

Mounring a Terrorist

Today we see Palestinians remember their thuggish and terrorist leader, Yasser Arafat

Well, like I love to do - let me cut the politically correct claptrap BS...

Arafat is dead? GOOD

Uh Huh

A lot of stuff happening, thus why I haven't posted in a week or so. I have some big essays coming up but after they are done I can spend more time here.
Lets not burn the universities yet. After all, the damage they do might be worse
These are the famous lines H. L Menchen once wrote. But In respect to Israel, I'd have to disagree - lets burn the university now..... or perhaps reform debate and teaching, which is probably preferable to arson.

I wore my IDF shirt to an International Politics seminar a few weeks ago. At first I thought i'd suddenly become attractive or something, but alas, the shirt attracts the eye. I was asked by one fellow student whether I wore the shirt "with a hint of irony", and was a bit dismayed when I replied there was none.

Also, for the 13th time, I had to deny that not now, nor have I ever been, in the slightest bit, and nor do I plan to become, Jewish. While my support of Israel was strange, as soon as people realise I am of that opinion through ration rather than merely blind religious faith - well, y'know, they suddenly find a reason to leave, to go, somewhere..... else....

I haven't made any active effort to recruit people yet to my cause and the blog, but I think its about time I did, especially starting with friends whom I know are of a similar political persuasion. I am now an admin at Aberystwyth Conservative Future and shall start lobbying fellow members in due course.

After my essays of course. I need to please academia by using aloof words and phrases first.