Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The 'Palestinian' contribution to the state of the world, ca. 2005

OK. I'll admit it - I was wrong. I have often stated that the 'Palestinians', and the Arabs in general, have contributed absolutely nothing to the way we live.

But an outstanding piece by Dennis Prager makes it clear that without them and their friends on the Left, well, the world wouldn't be quite the same.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Goodbye for now

I will be going on holiday from tomorrow until the 7th of August to the US of A

So obviously posting here will be low for the next week or so

Thanks to all, I'm see you later


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Yesha Council plans second march

The Jerusalem Post informs us that a second march is being planned after the first one was called off yesterday:

On the same day that the anti-disengagement rally at Kfar Maimon was called off,the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip (Yesha Council) announced it was already planning a mass march for the beginning of next week in a second attempt to try and enter the sealed off area of Gush

This is going to be a tough time for Israel, with opinion split and Israeli facing down Israeli. We pray for you all.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


We pray you are right on Gaza. We fear you are not. For the good of Israel, please prove us wrong, Ariel

Eyeless in Gaza

This is the title of a must-read piece by Barbara Lerner, published today at National Review Online.

Barbara Lerner gets what so many in the West do not - whatever we say, however much we deceive ourselves into thinking otherwise, our enemies will be seeing the retreat from Gaza as exactly what it is - a surrender to Hitler's grandchildren from Hamas and Fatah.

... like their Islamofascist brothers everywhere, they believe that it is Hamas that is forcing the Israelis to retreat in Gaza, and America with her. They see it as another terrorist victory, a harbinger of more to come. Meanwhile, they are enjoying the sight of the great American Samson, stumbling about, "eyeless in Gaza." They think our acquiescence in the once-mighty Sharon's appeasement plan puts us "at the mill with slaves," and they are jubilant.

Let us hope against hope that we realize this before it is too late.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Michael Leeden

Michael Leeden has a great piece on what Iraq and Israel have in common

Faster, please


Yeah we all heard about the bombing yesterday, but it happens so often you will probably forgive me for not posting anything on it.

However there is
this on Israeli reaction. Good to see they still react tough in the face of terror

Monday, July 11, 2005

More links

Has Blair learnt lessons from the attacks?
JPost writer Caroline Glick has this on the 7/7 attacks and Israel: An Attack against us all, touching on Tony Blair's agreement to pay even more money to the Palestinians just a day after the London bombings - and people say terrorism doesn't work

Hamas Will Keep On Killin'
The terror gang Hamas says they have lost faith in Palestinian “president” Abu Mazen, and they’re going to
continue killing Israelis, even after the Gaza pullout.
And only the most naïve would ever have thought otherwise.

London, Tel Aviv Blasts Connected
Israel’s Ynet reports that the explosives used in the London bombings were made from the same type of military grade material used by the suicide bomber who attacked
Mike’s Place in Tel Aviv in April 2003: London, Tel Aviv blasts connected.

Victory in Spite of All Terror

An article from The Weekly Standard from Bill Kristol, entitled Victory in spite of all terror

More on Israel coming later

Thursday, July 07, 2005

UK Attacks - Official SSSI Statement


Here at SSSI, we do not believe in cheap condemnations or remorseless talk.

Rather, we are convinced that we must reach out to these people with our best and brightest, and show them the true beauty of the Western World.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Beautiful ain't she? And she's coming soon to an Islamofascist near you .

(Hat tip to Franklin D. Rosenfeld)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Eh up - whats this?


Prime Minister Ariel Sharon warned on Tuesday for the
first time that Palestinian fire during disengagement could topple the entire

“There will be no pullout under fire because there will be no fire. The disengagement will be implemented, and if there is fire, as thousands of trucks, families, babies and children are out there, we will respond with great force. The force will be so great that it could topple the
entire process,” Sharon said.


eh up

As I would bet anything that the various terror gangs who dominate Palestinian society will be unable to restrain themselves - this could mean that terrorism during disengagment could be allowed to topple Sharon's own plan.

Now, i'm not into conspiracy theories generally, but maybe this was the plan all along? Israel makes a unilateral withdrawal, Palestinians committ violence, Israel halts the disengagment process and says "you can fook off if you think we're doing that again" - forever citing this violence as a need to democratise Palestinian society and as a justification to any silly liberal that doesn't already think this whole conflict is the fault of the Palestinian terrorists. Like I said, just a conspiracy theory.

But anyways, interesting. It does at least seem that Sharon the warrior may still be here, even if no one can understand the logic of Disengagment

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

God Bless America

And we come on the ship they call the Mayflower.
We come on the ship that sailed the moon.
We come in the age’s most uncertain hours,
and sing an American tune.

— Paul Simon

Today marks the 229th birthday of the country my children will call home, and we celebrate more than a country (even though it is without any possible doubt the greatest the world has ever seen) - we celebrate an idea: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

There are some, on this blog and elsewhere, who have been somewhat critical of America, and I share some of their concerns - a country that produces Jimmy Carter, Michael Moore, Hillary Clinton and St. Rachel Corrie could hardly be perfect.

Yet, for all its imperfections, we can consider ourselves happy that we will not have to know what living in a world without the United States means. With the possible exception of Taiwan, there is no country more in need of a strong and friendly United States than Israel.

Again, I share some of the views of Caroline B. Glick and others, who rightly point out how America could do better. But nothing will change the fact that the United States is Israel's one true friend, a friend who contributes billions, fights some of our common enemies, shares our values and ideals, and will stand up for Israel when no one else will.

And frankly, Israel's part has not always been perfect either, what with Jonathan Pollard and the sale of advanced weapons technology to the Free World's most dangerous opponent in the XXI. Century.

The next time any of you has any doubts on the true love for Israel that runs so deep in American society as a whole, take a look at any UN General Assembly vote dealing with the Middle East. Roughly 90% of all countries will be in bed with the Arabs, another small minority may abstain, but the number of votes against this sad joke is always the same:

US Marshall Islands
Federated States of Micronesia
Australia (a welcome new member)
United States.

May God Bless America!

Sunday, July 03, 2005


Thank you to all contributors who have kept the blog updated during my educational related absense - I can assure you your work has not gone unnoticed.

The Jerusalem Post's website now has a section dedicated to the Disengagment plan:

And while not technically Israel related, I have recently written a blog entry on Iraq today and why we must prevail, avaliable