Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Anarchy in Gaza

Just some stories on how the Palestinians are capitalising on their new found freedom in Gaza: (from LGF)

Hamas makes music in Gaza celebration war.

Palestinians swim and loot on Gaza’s first day of freedom.

Palestinians set fire to shuls, yeshiva.

and yet, the MSM doesn't seem to care. Take this picture:

The BBC caption reads:

Militant organisations quickly climbed on some of the synagogue roofs and hoisted their flags, along with the Palestinian national flag.


"Palestinian national flag"?!?!? The black flag is that of the Islamic Jihad organisation, one of the most brutal terrorist groups in the world. And the detail of their flag?

Their claim to land doesn't stop at Gaza or the West Bank. These are people who want Israel destroyed. And so how symbolic then that Islamic Jihad stand aloft a huge star of David. This is the synagogue these thugs and killers defile their feet with:

Sh*ts f*cked up


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